Monday 14 March 2011


Welcome to our blog, this month we are launching our new name (From March 17th we are officially Story O!) and have 2 events planned. The first one is this Thursday 17th of March, Patrick´s Day, at 3pm at the Centre for Cultural Practices on Pembroke Street.

After standing for hours in the local weather watching the parade, can you imagine anything nicer than going into a lovely comfy room with beanbags, an endless supply of tea and 5 storytellers sharing their storyshaped treasures and treats with you?

I can´t!

See you soon, then!

Story O, formerly known as the Storybakers  :)


  1. I was at your Paddy's day event at the CFCP and enjoyed it quite a bit! Especially Fiona's story about the boy who was interested in nothing was wonderful. I was picturing an animation to go along with it. You should find an animator and make that happen! :)

    Also, I know that you changed your name from Storybakers because it sounded too much like you were telling stories for children, but maybe Story O is a bit too far in the other direction:

    You can't seem to catch a break ;)

  2. Ah ah Daniel, thanks for your comment. It was great to have you in the audience. Yes I am aware of the Story of O thing, hopefully nobody else is! The conclusion is, with a name it´s impossible to please everybody (there´s actually a folktale about that...)! :) :) Have a good day! Fiona
